About Us
The Benefits of Belonging
The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) is a membership organization dedicated to empowering Congregational Christian churches through fellowship, resources, and education. From helping your church find a new minister to aiding in your ministry and outreach programs, we’re here to help you strengthen your faith community.
Understanding Congregationalism
Congregationalism is rooted in the philosophy that every person interprets the Word of God according to the dictates of their conscience, under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Ours is a religious tradition carried on by men and women of genuine conviction, adventurous faith, and gracious regard for each other’s sincerity to Congregational Christian fellowship. We believe there is strength in diversity and unending opportunities to learn from each other and grow in faith.

NACCC Leadership & Staff
Because the NACCC is an association of individual churches, the NACCC depends on a structure of volunteers to determine and manage its programs and policies. The Leadership Council, Board of Directors, Ministry Councils, and staff serve to encourage and support this important work on behalf of member churches.
Congregational Foundation
The Congregational Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization established to raise funds and administer endowments that benefit the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. Overseen by its Board of Governors, all permanent endowments are administered for fiscal sustainability and strict adherence to donor wishes.

Connect with the NACCC Team
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!