History and Polity Course
Congregational History and Polity Course
Our Congregational History and Polity Course is a course designed to help strengthen and deepen your understanding of Congregationalism. There are two distinct levels to this course:
Level 1
a basic course for new members, confirmation classes, and for people looking to have a basic understanding of Congregationalism
Level 2
an advanced course for those looking to serve their church in a leadership role
The Congregational History and Polity Course is especially important for a minister who is now serving an NACCC church but has come to your church from a tradition other than Congregational. Many churches will require that their new pastor build their experience and knowledge in Congregationalism either by attending a seminar or working through this course, by writing this requirement directly into their terms of call.
Accessible, Engaging Course Work
The Congregational Way is rich in history and tradition and is vitally relevant in today’s world. As a result, we developed this program to provide an easily accessible course for laity and clergy alike to encourage unique and meaningful engagement with Congregationalism. This course is a self-paced study. There is no cost for this course.

About Level I
Level I is designed to acquaint you with the general history, theology, spirituality and practice of Congregationalism. Congregationalism is deeply rooted in scripture and has a rich history that continues its expression of faithfulness through congregations like yours.
Level I is the right course for anyone who:
- is active in a Congregational church that is a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and wants to know more about our rich heritage
- is a lay leader who wants to be better informed about the Congregational Way so that you can be a more effective leader
- is a minister serving a Congregational church for the first time in your ministerial career
- is a seminary student studying to be a Congregational minister
This course can also be used for:
- New member class orientations • Confirmation classes • Leadership boards
Recognition of Completion

About Level II
Level II of the Congregational History & Polity course goes more in depth on each of the topics first presented in Level I. This course will relate the principles of congregationalism to church leadership, examine the context of congregational polity, evaluate the significance of covenant, and articulate the major historical and theological development of American Congregationalism. It will nurture the Congregational Way in church life and membership. Students in Level II will be assigned a faculty contact person for any questions they may have while working through the material. Completion of Level I is required before advancing to Level II.
Level II is the right course for anyone who:
- has successfully completed Level I
- wishes to learn more about our rich Congregational history
- is a motivated lay leader wishing to assist their congregation
- is a member of clergy from other traditions now serving a Congregational church
- is a seminarian studying to be a Congregational minister
Final Assessment and Recognition of Completion

How to Enroll
Download and complete the application form and send to:
8473 S. Howell Ave,
PO Box 288,
Oak Creek, WI 53154.
When the application is approved, you will receive course materials.
Connect with the NACCC Team
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!