Lay Ministry Training Program

The Lay Ministry Training Program

The Lay Ministry Training Program was created to provide basic training for people interested in serving their church more fully, either as a lay minister or as a lay leader. This program assists in spiritual development and builds a stronger understanding in the areas of biblical knowledge, theology, worship, Congregational history and polity, mission, pastoral care, Christian education, and more. The purpose of this program is to serve as a ministry within the NACCC which will equip individuals for ministry and missions throughout the world. Preference will be given to students supported by NACCC churches.

What is a Lay Minister?

Lay ministers are individuals who may not be able to leave their secular employment to attend seminary, or who intend to remain in secular employment while also serving a church. Many who enter the Lay Ministry Training Program are people who want to be better equipped lay leaders in their own churches. Often, students enrolled in the program more fully realize their call to seminary in the process.

While seminary training at an accredited institution is the preferred way for people to enter into ministry, the Lay Ministry Training Program recognizes that not all member churches can afford to hire a full-time, seminary-trained pastor. This program is not intended to be an alternate path to ordination, although ordination has always been, and continues to be, the prerogative of the local church.

Encouraging Effective Lay Ministry

Encouraging Effective Lay Ministry

The Lay Ministry Training Program focuses on providing for both local churches and individuals interested in lay ministry. For local churches, by developing the talents and abilities of the individual doing lay ministry, and for the individuals themselves, by focusing on their spiritual development. By focusing on both the church and the individual, the Lay Ministry Training Program enables effective lay ministry that is distinctly Congregational.

Course Structure

The Lay Ministry Training Program is broken into three levels with each level lasting one year, composed of ten learning sessions. Our differentiated level structure is designed to help meet the needs of a rapidly changing church landscape.

The program structure includes classes led by qualified clergy and church leaders of the NACCC who present material through a virtual platform and allow for online discussion between students and instructors. The instructor syllabus will be made available one month prior to the start of each new class.

Students are in a cohort and will learn alongside others from across the NACCC at the same time. Students will continue to have mentors in the local church or community that help support them in their studies.

The three-year study will end with an optional trip to attend the Boston Seminar, which is a study of Congregationalism and Congregational Polity in Massachusetts. Travel reimbursements will be offered.

Discipleship Level 1
is designed for the individual who says, “I want to deepen my walk with Christ.”

Lay Leadership Level 2
is designed for the individual seeking skills to serve in ministry leadership of a local church more fully.

Pastoral Leadership Level 3
is designed for the individual who desires to have the clergy resources necessary for pastoral leadership.

How To Apply Picture

How to Apply

If you are interested in deepening your understanding of the Congregational Way and looking to develop spiritually, we encourage you to apply.

Class fees beginning with Cohort D are $125/month for NACCC member students and $175/month for non-NACCC students. Scholarships will be made available through the Vitality Ministry Council.

LMTP Program Application LMTP Supplemental Information

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If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!

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