Financial Support
Financial Support
The NACCC grows and thrives through faithful financial contributions from member churches, the Congregational Foundation, individual donors, corporations and associations committed to Congregationalism. These gifts provide the Association with financial resources used to support the various activities, events, initiatives and entities of the NACCC.
Our Financial Support Resources include information on:
- Churches, through the John Richard Memorial Endowment, The Hurting Churches Fund Endowment, and the Providence Endowment
- Our Youth through scholarships to attend NAPF and HOPE events
- Clergy financial assistance including seminary scholarships, overall ministerial assistance, travel to convocations, and support to our retired ministers
- Our Mission partners through the Magee Scholarship and Charles Rush Award
Financial Support
Please review our featured financial support resources below. If you do not find what you are looking for, you can click on the “View All Resources” button below to explore all NACCC resources, using the filter and search functions. If you are unsure of what you’re looking for, contact the NACCC and a team member will follow up.
Sharing Vitality Grants
Does your church have an idea that could foster vitality and benefit others? The NACCC Vitality Ministry Council believes creative endeavors are worth supporting financially to see what they [...]
Annual Meeting & Conference Grant – Providence Endowment
The Providence Endowment was established and initially funded by the 2004 Annual Meeting and Conference Host Committee to help churches offset the expenses of sending a delegate to the [...]
Fine & Performing Arts Grant – John Richard Memorial Endowment
The John Richard Memorial Endowment for Fine and Performing Arts was established by his family as a loving and living memorial to him. His love for music and [...]
Youth Scholarships
Scholarships are available through various funds to provide assistance in reducing the cost of registration to the NACCC's annual youth conference - NAPF/HOPE. Scholarships are awarded according to available [...]
The Hurting Churches Fund Endowment
This fund has been created to assist member churches of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) through challenging times. The 21st Century Pilgrim Club and Morgan Park [...]
Ministers Awards Information
We value our NACCC member church Ministers and are grateful for the opportunity to recognize them. We are thankful to our donors for their generous financial support. Each fund [...]
Missionaries Financial Assistance and Awards
The NACCC through the guidance of the Missions and Outreach Ministry Council offer awards and financial support to our associated Missionaries. We thank our generous donors who have allocated these [...]
Ministers’ Convocation Financial Assistance Information
Every year, the NACCC hosts a gathering for clergy designed to provide continuing education, spiritual reflection, and rest. Convocations are generally held post-Lent. Thanks to our donors, the NACCC [...]
Ministerial Assistance and Financial Support
The NACCC, through our generous donors, provides various funds and financial support opportunities which are made available to Ministers and their families. Each fund is unique and may require that [...]
Connect with the NACCC Team
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!