Supporting ministry and
nurturing fellowship among
Congregational Christian churches
in the name of Christ
The National Association of
Congregational Christian Churches
Uplifting Congregational Churches through Support, Resources, and Programs
We are an association of individual Congregational churches founded in fellowship and support of the Congregational Way. We seek to encourage community among our member churches and work to offer helpful resources, programs, and policies that support clergy and churches in their work for the Kingdom of God.
Fellowship, Support, and Resources
Fellowship, Support, and Resources
Find Strength and Encouragement in the NACCC
Guided by a group of dedicated volunteers, a thoughtful board of directors, and an attentive leadership council, the NACCC works to serve member churches from across the nation. Member churches benefit from mutual encouragement and support and are made stronger by accessing diverse resources and expertise.
Strengthen Your Congregation With the NACCC:
Helping to Meet the Needs of Your Congregation
We work with diverse churches, volunteers, and other nonprofit organizations to create helpful resources that support, guide, and strengthen our member churches. Our resources embody the collective knowledge, guidance, and experience of generations of congregational Christian churches and are developed to help our members successfully manage the unique needs of their congregational faith and practice.
Education Opportunities
Education Opportunities
Helping Build Skills that Uplift Congregations
We are committed to serving our member churches through education, training, and advising opportunities that help build skills and foster an understanding of emerging needs, trends, and challenges. The Center for Congregational Leadership, was founded in 2008 to help steward our educational programs.
Latest Updates
Latest Updates
Stay Informed and Prepared with NACCC
It’s more important than ever to stay connected and informed. Our NACCC team is dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date information on our community, Congregational faith and practice, and the news and events of our fellowship.
2025 Calls, Ordinations & Installations
Calls Rev. Joe Hackett, Settled Minister First Congregational Church Rochester, WI January 1, 2024 Ordinations Installations 2024 Calls, Ordinations & Installations
Seeking Nominees for the 2025 Charles Rush Award
On behalf of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC), the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council (MOMC) is accepting nominations for the Charles Rush Award. This financial award is [...]
Thanksgiving Proclamation 2024
We Congregationalists are a people of thanksgiving! With gratitude for your fellowship in the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, we offer our annual Thanksgiving Proclamation. We invite you [...]
Our Events
Join Our Members in Fellowship
The NACCC works to foster an open environment for our member churches to express Congregationalism and build fellowship and community among them. We host events and an annual gathering every year to come together and to make important decisions that are common to our interests.
Annual Meeting & Conference Minister Convocation Youth Gathering Other Events
Support Our Work
Supporting Our Work
Committing to Congregationalism
Aiding in Mission & Outreach Programs
To better support our member churches in their mission and outreach initiatives we created the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council (MOMC). MOMC serves as the missionary agent of our member churches to provide oversight of the use of funds, to counsel churches in the area of their missionary concern, and help to stimulate the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that keep with the basic principle of the Congregational Christian Churches.
Get Involved
Our National Association grows and thrives through enthusiastic and faithful support from member churches, individual donors, foundations, corporations, and associations committed to Congregationalism. We rely on the active engagement of our member churches in the life of the National Association as they provide financial contributions, provide volunteers for leadership, and participate in the NACCC activities and events.
Connect with the NACCC Team
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the NACCC, please send us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!