On behalf of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC), the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council (MOMC) is accepting nominations for the Charles Rush Award. This financial award is presented to minority persons who are working with Congregational Christian churches toward worthwhile social and personal goals. The award is intended to exemplify the excellent spirit of the Rev. Charles Rush, and to emphasize the importance of Christian social involvement. The Rush Award is presented at the Annual Meeting and Conference of the NACCC.

The late Charles Rush lived in California. His life of unselfish service as an educator and minister, friend of the Free Church, and active participant in the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches set an example for many. His friends have honored his memory by establishing this fund in his name.

Final determination of each year’s winner(s) is made by the Missionary and Outreach Ministry Council, as is the amount of the award. The recipients’ travel expenses to and from the Annual Meeting including room and board for up to forty-eight (48) hours will be paid out of the Charles F. Rush Memorial Fund.

Please send letters of nomination to: The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, c/o Mission and Outreach Ministry Council, 184 Main Street, Kingston, NH, or via email to Missions Coordinator Julie Robie at jrobie@naccc.org.

The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2025.