Youth Resources

Christian Education and Vacation Bible School

Are you looking for new resources for your church’s Christian Education (CE) and Vacation Bible School (VBS) programming?  Check out the recording of our Christian Formation and Vacation Bible School webinar from November 7th, 2024!  To watch, click here [...]

Youth Scholarships

Scholarships are available through various funds to provide assistance in reducing the cost of registration to the NACCC's annual youth conference - NAPF/HOPE. Scholarships are awarded according to available funds and can be used to cover part or all [...]

Helpful Youth Resources

Confirmation Materials Building Confirmation the Congregational Way by Rev. Doug Gray, is a confirmation curriculum for use in your Congregational church, and is available from the NACCC office.  This resource is rich in lessons, activities, retreat and trip ideas, and [...]

Youth Gathering Resources & Information

The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches sponsors two annual, concurrent youth gatherings, which provide opportunities for spiritual growth through worship, fellowship, service, and leadership development. The National Association of Pilgrim Fellowship (NAPF) gathers together youth from around the country [...]

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