Featured – Church Resources

Christian Education and Vacation Bible School

Are you looking for new resources for your church’s Christian Education (CE) and Vacation Bible School (VBS) programming?  Check out the recording of our Christian Formation and Vacation Bible School webinar from November 7th, 2024!  To watch, click here [...]

Celebrating Your Church’s Anniversary

Looking for inspiration for celebrating your church's next anniversary? Check out this recording of the Congregational Library & Archives' Celebrating Your Church’s Anniversary: Tips and Tricks for a Memorable Commemoration webinar from September 18th, 2024. Whether your church is [...]

Plentiful Gifts Program

“Plentiful Gifts” is a partnership with the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary to help small congregations with part-time clergy nurture lay gifts and leadership. Participating churches will work to identify their mission and talents, after which select members will [...]

Racial Justice Task Team Resources

The Racial Justice Task Team was created to carry out the Cadman Resolution adopted at the 2020 NACCC annual meeting. The NACCC is committed to providing resources for the local church to discuss the challenging/difficult/painful subject of racism in a [...]

Congregational Investment Trust (CIT) – Investment Opportunity

The Congregational Investment Trust (CIT) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) entity established as an endowment investment option for member churches. Because endowment gifts are long-term, these funds are invested to preserve the purchasing power of gifts made using a diversified [...]

The Hurting Churches Fund Endowment

This fund has been created to assist member churches of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC) through challenging times. The 21st Century Pilgrim Club and Morgan Park funds were consolidated to create The Hurting Churches Fund Endowment. [...]

2021 Annual Meeting & Conference

Our 2021 Annual Meeting and Conference was held as a a Virtual meeting. Below you will find documents and videos related to that wonderful event. Welcome Sister Churches! As part of our celebration, we welcomed four new churches into our [...]

Year-Round Delegate Program

The Year-Round Delegate (YRD), selected by each member church, assists in providing important communication to its church and to the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC). The NACCC depends upon on our member churches to keep us informed about [...]

A Handbook for Pastoral Search Committees

Finding your next minister when you need to is a process that deserves careful attention and a commitment to best practices.  This handbook guides you through the process and offers best practices to consider as you move forward. View [...]

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