
2024 Calls, Ordinations & Installations

CallsMajor General USAF Cecil R. Richardson, (Ret.), Interim MinisterCommunity Congregational ChurchLone Rock, WIMarch 1, 2024Rev. Stephen Cramer, Interim MinisterGrace Church of ColumbianaColumbiana, OHMarch 1, 2024Rev. Randy Kohls, Interim MinisterPilgrim Congregational ChurchGreen Bay, WIMay 1, 2024Rev. Jeffrey Mark Hensley, Interim MinisterFirst [...]

March 26, 2024|Announcements|

The Listening Tour

As of July 1, 2022, the NACCC comprises 312 congregations and 28,715 church members. Our former Executive Director, Ashley Cleere, kicked off an Executive Director Listening Tour with the charge to visit as many NACCC churches possible in the [...]

New Editor of The Congregationalist Named

Please join us in welcoming our newly-named Editor of The Congregationalist, Maggie Helmick. A recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Maggie worked with the admissions team writing and editing articles for their publications. In her application, she expressed: “The [...]

September 15, 2023|Announcements|

2023 Calls, Ordinations & Installations

Calls Rev. Bruce Haapalainen, Senior Minister Second Church of Plymouth Plymouth, MA January 1, 2023 Rev. Dr. Dino Pedrone, Interim Minister Stuart Congregational Church Stuart, FL January 3, 2023 Pastor Scott Chase Union Congregational Church Amesbury, MA January 15, [...]

August 29, 2023|Announcements|

NACCC Welcomes Four New Member Churches in 2023

Four congregations have prayerfully discerned that they were called to join the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. The membership committee reviewed and approved their applications which were subsequently approved by the Leadership Council and voted on by the [...]

June 29, 2023|Announcements|
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