Two of the most joyous celebrations in the life of the church are the service of ordination of an individual to the Christian ministry and the service of installation of a newly called pastor to your church.  In both cases, a sense of pageantry and solemnity combine to declare before God this special event called forth by the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Congregational basis and practice of ordination, please refer to the Art and Practice of the Congregational Way. 

From Call to Settlement by Lloyd Hall.  Provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process for churches to follow.  It includes a helpful timeline to guide you as well as sample agendas and letters.

View and download here.

How to Gather and Order A Congregational Church by A. Vaughn Abercrombie.  Within this volume is a section on ordination and installation that includes sample letters and order of worship.

View and download here.